Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Freeze Warnings Posted!

With temperatures expected in the twenties the next few nights, the National Weather Service has hoisted Freeze Warnings for the entire northern Illinois/southern Wisconsin region. When temperatures are sub-freezing for several hours, the growing season will come to an end. So if you've got any houseplants outdoors, bring them in. Go out to the backyard garden and see if there are any tomatoes left and pick them. (Hopefully they'll ripen on the window sill.) Bring garden hoses indoors to prevent freezing/cracking. And finally, don't forget extra food, water, and blankets for our outoor pets.

To the left you'll find the official National Weather Service Wind Chill Chart. To read the chart, find the temperature at the top, wind speed to the left. Where those two lines meet, that is the wind chill...or "feels like" temperature.

Stay warm the next few nights! -ERIC

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