Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Shivering Palm Trees!

(Associated Press photo: Scott M. Lieberman)

Employees of a shopping center in Tyler, Texas recently wrapped their palm trees in foil insulation in preparation for sub-freezing temperatures. I know exactly where this picture was taken! (having lived in East Texas for nearly five years) This picture was taken right in front of the Barnes & Noble Booksellers off of Highway 69. While Tyler is quite a long ways from the warm Gulf of Mexico waters, there are several spots in the area with palm trees! Each year the tree trunks are wrapped with shiny metal aluminum foil. This prevents the trees from freezing. The palms themselves are cut back to prevent frostbite. The tree trunks are usually wrapped with Christmas lights. I will see if Morgan Palmer (KLTV) can't snap some shots with his digital camera.

By the way, temperatures in East Texas this morning were in the middle 20s. -ERIC

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