Thursday, January 11, 2007

More Model Madness!

Here's a look at the NAM model's snowfall output. This model's data ends at midnight Saturday night. Notice, the snow's just beginning here in Northern Illinois. However, look down into eastern Missouri. Wow! There's a max of 10" down that way.

The image to the left is the GFS model's snowfall output through Monday morning. It places a broad area of 6" snowfall just south of the Rockford metro area. Another thing of note: the GFS doesn't give Missouri the 10" that the NAM does. The GFS is definitely the model of choice here.

I believe the Rockford metro will be in the "up to six inch" range. Some areas may go higher than that, but it certainly does NOT look like the same caliber of our December first storm. -ERIC


Mike said...

do you think there is any chance that we might be able to get up into the 8-10 inch range?

Anonymous said...

The weather channel just shows light snow and snow showers. but they're stupid.

Anonymous said...

ah heck, why would the weather channel care. we are not in chicago so they wont care about rockford.