Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What are the causes of global warming?

While global warming is still very controversial, an equally controversial website gives a "complete list of things caused by global warming."

Take a look at this website and let me know what you think. In my personal opinion we should get rid of the term "global warming" entirely because there are so many things going on. I think better terminology would be "climate change" as the earth isn't just warming up.

Click here for the "global warming" list. -ERIC


Anonymous said...

global warming scares me to death...if the things are true...what's happening to our earth could affect me in my life time...I am 21 years old and the movie al gore put out says the ice caps could be melted by the year 2040. what am i doing to change this??? nothing really...what can I do????

Eric Sorensen said...

I don't think it's anything to be scared about yet. Do you remember the hole in the ozone layer? Since laws were enacted banning CFC's, the ozone hole healed itself up! If we all do our part to drive less, use less fossil fuels, and contribute less C02 we can curb any change. There's a great website you should check out! www.cdc.(while it's geared toward kids, I found it enjoyable):

One thing's for sure, everyone is responsible for climate change. -ERIC