A Flash Flood Watch will be running until Monday afternoon for the entire Stateline viewing area. The soil is absolutely saturated meaning any additional rainfall we receive has nowhere to go. The general trend for rainfall totals for the next 24 hours will be between 1 and 3 inches. River levels are quickly rising and flooding is going to be a major concern. Flood stage is expected to be reached by Tuesday for the Rock River, Kishwaukee River, and Pecatonica River. If you live in a flood prone area, be on alert in the near future. -ADAM
The rain is really coming down heavy here in Rockton right now.
The radar shows a heavy line of thunderstorms entering Northwest Iowa. Is this headed our way?
That thin band in Rockton is acting very weird. It has moved very little over the last hour. It is so thin that the skies are dry in Loves Park and just north of Beloit, yet in the middle is a pretty steady rain.
The heavy line of storms in NW Iowa is headed our way. Although, these storms are moving rather slowly and won't reach us until later this afternoon. With the storms so far away and the severe weather threat very low, even if they do make it into Rockford it is hard to say if they will hold together in intensity.
Adam Painter
you are right adam, it is dry here in loves park, was there ever a doubt from you or eric about this 3-5 inch rainfall forecast from yesterday. i know the weather service was saying we would get up to 3 inches when i left for work yesterday around 3:30 P.M, but i didnt get to see any news cast. obviously we hardly got any rain at all last night.
I definitely felt the 3 to 5 inch forecast was a bit steep. I backed off going with a 24 hour rainfall total from 7pm last night to 7pm tonight of 1 to 3 inches. The Rockford airport has picked up .65" of rain thus far, and we've still got 8 hours to go. You have to remember that with the ground completely saturated a half an inch of rain can still do some serious damage.
Adam Painter
thats true. i know our basement has flooded again. i wonder if rained harder after i feel asleep last night. i heard a couple of thunder booms, but nothing like we have had before. I will have to check my gauge to see what i have. i know there was a batch of storms last night around midnight that i thought was going to nail us but it weakened as soon as it got into winnebago county. the airport must have gotten decent downpours, i only have a tenth of an inch here in loves park.
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