Friday, August 03, 2007

Sprinkler Time? Set Your Alarm...

We haven't seen any beneficial rain in over a week now, and I know a lot of folks have their backyards on life support with sprinklers running full boar. Believe it or not, there is a timeframe that is best to water your lawn. Set that alarm clock, because the best time is between 5am - 8am. The reason this works best is because evaporation rates are slowest during the early morning hours. The lack of evaporation is due to high levels of humidity, the frequent formation of morning dew, and fairly low wind speeds. This allows the ground plenty of time to soak up all of the moisture your sprinkler is spitting out.

Hopefully Mother Nature will be giving us a free lawn watering soon! -ADAM


Anonymous said...

Just wondering....the blog hasn't been updated since Friday; subject was "Set Your Sprinklers" or is there a problem with my browser?

Eric Sorensen said...

Adam's working solo these days because I'm on vac and Candy's with child. :) -ERIC

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eric. Just concerned that my browser and or computer was having a problem.
Appreciate the answer as well as the blog.
Thanks again.
P.S. Hang in there Adam!!