Here are some interesting facts about ragweed:
1. Each ragweed plant produces 1 billion pollen grains
2. Pollen concentration is highest shortly after dawn
3. The Midwestern United States has the most ragweed of any place on earth
4. Ragweed grows well along roadsides and drainage ditches
5. Of Americans who are allergic to pollen, 75% are allergic to ragweed
6. Those allergic to ragweed may see symptoms when eating cantaloupe, banana, sunflower seeds, and drinking chamomile tea.
If you are experiencing ragweed symptoms (runny nose, itchy & watery eyes, and sneezing) use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray several times per day in addition to an antihistimine. As always, you should consult a doctor before taking new medications or if symptoms worsen.
We'll get through it! If you have any secret remedies for allergies, please post a comment. I'll try anything to make my sneezes go away. -ERIC
While the ragweed hasn't bothered me, my 7 year old daughter has had an awful weekend, and it's always worst just after she wakes up!
When we were driving home from the Rockton powwow over the weekend, we saw an entire field of ragweed!
Some standard tips for dealing with pollen allergies:
Do not dry laundry outdoors;
Shower, shampoo, and change clothes before bed if you've been outdoors extensively during pollen season (you don't want to spend eight hours with your face in a pillow that's covered in ragweed pollen!);
Use air conditioning when possible, and keep windows shut;
Try antihistamines and saline nasal washes or Xlear (try Home Environment Center on Riverside in Rockford);
Avoid rubbing your eyes;
Avoid foods that cause the same symptoms;
Try a HEPA air filter, but don't use an ionizer if anyone in the house has asthma.
More trivia: Although ragweed season usually ends with the first frost, it's just coincidence; a hard frost doesn't kill or inactivate the pollen.
I suffer from allergies big time.. and just always used over the counter medications. I got a prescription from my doctor and is has done wonders. I guess you should never feel your case is too small to get medical help.
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