Monday, January 07, 2008

Tornado Watch in effect until 9:00pm

UPDATE: A Tornado Watch is now in effect for all of Northern Illinois (Except Jo Daviess Co.) A detailed update will be coming shortly.

A Tornado Watch has been issued for Central Illinois and it looks like another one will be issued for the Rockford and Chicago metros. Hold down your CTRL button while clicking REFRESH for the latest updates.


tony said...

Wow, just wow. I guess this will be a winter to remember if that happens. Eric, thank you for keeping up to date. A tornado watch in january will be the kicker. Looks like I am the only one commenting, oh well. Let's see what happens.

tony said...

And the weather channel is showing we are now under a tornado watch. I just cannot believe it. When was the last time that happened in january.

tony said...

From what I am seeing on the radar, looks like main activity right now is staying to the central and western parts of the county. Where I am at, looks like the sun is trying to poke out but when I look north and west it is very dark. I think loves park is on the edge of it right now.

Dee said...

Tornado siren going off in Belvidere at 3:14 p.m. - not sure if it's the "real deal" but thought I'd pass it along.

Unknown said...

Quarter size hail on North main st. for about 30 seconds. 2 minutes ago.

tony said...

We had a very brief blast of wind and looked like a mini microburst here in loves park. The tornado sirens sounded but nothing happened. Wow, that was close. no hail that i could see. But i am going to send a pic to eric of mammatus clouds over my house when the storm was passing just north of here.

Footville, WI said...

The sirens went off here for awhile a few minutes ago, real deal here is the rumor.

Garrett said...

I live directly across the Flag Monument on Perryville and stepped outside at about 3:15 since it wasnt raining here to see what it looked like. I saw exactly what that storm spotter said he saw only a couple blocks away with the strong rotating wall cloud. However about 10 seconds after I saw that, the fun ended when I had to book it inside after seeing this large sheet of rain heading my way.

Wendy said...

Holy Crap - this is unbelievable for January. I am in Belvidere, took my babies to the basement when the siren started going off. The siren stopped after a couple of minutes though, so we came back upstairs. We've had some pretty gusty winds & it look pretty scary to the North. Hope everyone in the path is safe.

tony said...

I honestly don't think I saw a wall cloud here. But I think where I am at, behind the forest hills country club, we were just on the southern fringe of that storm. It did darken up and we had a big blast of rain and wind, but then the storm was passing just north of me, but we had some impressive mammatus clouds, which I took a pic of, hopefully when eric isn't so busy, he can post it on here. I watched for rotation in that too, but didn't see anything. If someone got that wall cloud on camera, please send it in.

tony said...

It's hard to believe we are going thru this severe weather now and by next week, we will be back to normal with highs in the 20s. Oh well, the heck with tornados, bring on more snow.

csanders1962 said...

409PM....Thunder is starting again over the house. At 312 pm we had 1/4 to 1/2 dollar sized hail come down and strong winds at about 50 mph. Witnessed a wall cloud driving north on Mulford just NE of the Rock Cut Park. Had strong rotation with no cloud lowering to the ground. Heavy rain just north of Riverside Blvd. Flooding rains with two to three feet of water in the ditches and going across the roads north on Mitchell Rd.

tony said...

Actually garrett, I am trying to think where the flag monument is on perryville road. Isn't it just south of riverside. I am going to be heading that direction in about 45 minutes.

Justin said...

Tornado touchdown confirmed by NWS near poplar grove

tony said...

Well based on these reports I am seeing, it almost looks like where I am at, we have dodging some major bullets here. We have had some brief burst of rain, but nothing major at all. Good thing it isn't going to turn sharply colder tonight, we would have some major icing if that happened.

Garrett said...

The Flag Monument has a more official name cant think of it off the top of my head but it is on Perryville just south of Riverside, believe me no one knows about it there is never anyone there!

What a blessing where that tornado hit too. I feel bad for the people affected and you never want to see a tornado hit anyone but I also know that area very well up by Centerville road. A mile north would have put the high school in harms way and a mile south or so is the more populated part of Poplar Grove. If it was going to hit that was about the best place to hit. Hope everyone turns out ok!!!