Saturday, February 07, 2009

T-shirt and Shorts?

I just got done running a couple of laps around the Heritage Path at the Midway Village Museum. It feels phenomenal outside with today being the warmest day in almost 3 months! This track, which is just over a mile long, was packed with people walking their dogs and kids riding scooters. I went running in a t-shirt and shorts and I got a few funny looks, but I wasn't the only one in this type of apparel. I saw one other guy burning some calories in short sleeves and shorts.
Last weekend was nice, but this one is even better! What are you doing with your spring-like Saturday? -ADAM


tony said...
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WI Weather Buff said...

I washed the car and "picked up" the dog yard, which has been sadly neglected in recent weeks. :(


I also started thinking about planting a tree. One of my large shade trees was knocked down by a storm last June and I need to replace it. Really missed the cooling effect on the house last summer. Took some measurements & started reading up on tree species that do well in this climate. I think this activity counts as "spring fever."