Sunday, November 25, 2007

Could Snow Arrive Early?

I got this picture off Accuweather. Tomorrow's temperature fall right before 40 degrees and there is a chance of scattered rain throughout the day mixed with snow.
Temperatures remain mild for Monday thru Wednesday but the cold fronts moving in from Canada with the wall of snow and flurries from the north will move south by Wednesday bringing snow to the Great Lakes.
So while the Chicago area might get snow...the stateline might recieve another dose of the rain and snow mix since temperatures are suposed to remain around 40 degrees for Wednesday.
This coming week will feel like deja vu for Northern Illinois. Last week we saw similiar temperatures with mid week snow and rain mix with sun by Friday.
The same is similar this week. By Sunday the temperatures will be cold enough that the precipitation should fall in the form of snow instead of rain.
Enjoy the more mild temps at the beginning of the week while you can because by the end of it lows will dip down into the teens.
Welcome to the winter preview.

1 comment:

Jerry's Dallas said...

Can I go golfing today?