Monday, November 05, 2007

Official Winter Outlook: NOVEMBER 2007

All this week we will be issuing our long-range Winter Outlook. Even though winter doesn't officially begin until December, here's the outlook for this month.

13WREX is forecasting temperatures to average slightly below average for the next week or so. However, the 60° days might not be over for the season. Warmer than average temperatures are expected for the last two weeks of the month making November 2007 a near-average month. Depending on the degree of warmth in the latter few weeks, we may average slightly warmer than normal.

There is little/no chance of Thanksgiving being snowy. However, there could be one or two rain events late in the month that end with a dusting of snow. No big snows this month though. Our chance of repeating last year's 10.7" on December 1st is extremely slim. But that gets in to our December forecast. You'll have to check back tomorrow for that!

Because it would be impossible to get the entire Winter Outlook out in one day, I offer the schedule for the rest of the week. As always, we will try to get the outlook online before we air it on 13News at 6 and 10pm.


Anonymous said...

Perfect forecast for me! I HATE snow. I ask my hubby all the time to explain to me why we live in the Midwest :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we will have cold and snowy december so that we can have a white xmas. I guess we will have to see. Eric is going to tease us with this. 13 news rocks.

Eric Sorensen said...

Adam Painter's thinking "White Christmas." We're going through the final tomorrow right here on the blog. Maybe Adam can post the December forecast for you bloggers to see first. -ERIC

Anonymous said...

I hope he does. I visit this blog everyday and love to see what new is posted. Adam is thinking "white christmas" but what do u think eric. All of 13 news rocks.


Anonymous said...

I hope there is goona be alot of snow this winter the new snowmobile is ready for it!

Anonymous said...

What is this, Sweeps week already? C'mon guys, you've been "teasing" this Winter forecast/outlook for weeks now. Although I usually love the WREX Weather Team this incessant prodection of "teasers" is almost getting annoying.

Adam Painter said...

Sorry anonymous, but since we only have between 3 to 3.5 minutes for our full weather segment, it is pretty tough to squeeze in an in-depth look at the weather over the next seven days as well as an overview of 5 months worth of weather. The one month per day approach allows ample time to fully discuss the winter outlook.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam. I guess if you don't want to wait for it, turn your TV off and just check the blog on Friday to have it all.

I too am hoping for snow. I have a plowing business. These passed winters have been really slow.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean to come across as such a grouch.

Anonymous said...

haha I remember December first last year now that you bring it up. We had just bought a brand new car the day before and couldn't drive it that day. My mom was rather disappointed about that (she's the one that got the new car). Then... we ran out of gas for the snowblower. So I had to get some in my car that I had also bought the day before. Quite rare for there to be two cars bought on the same day in my family. I ended up getting stuck in my own neighborhood on the way to the gas station haha. The neighbor ended up taking me in his 4x4 Blazer.

I won't be forgetting that day.