Thursday, November 01, 2007

Relaxation in the Atmosphere

After several blustery days in a row, the atmosphere will finally relax and produce relatively calm winds today. This is because high pressure will be nearby today, around which the air tends to spread out. This spreading out causes the pressure gradient to weaken, and thus the winds speeds to diminish. Low pressure will be nearby early in the next work week and will cause the opposite effect. The air around the low will spin in a counterclockwise fashion and eventually rush into the center of the low pressure region.

Think of it as it pertains to a figure skater. When a figure skater is spinning in a circle and they have one of their legs and an arm straight out to their side, they spin relatively slowly. But when a figure skater pulls in their limbs, they begin to spin faster and faster. These same physics hold true in the atmosphere. -ADAM

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