Sunday, November 18, 2007

Winter Weather Preparedness Week

Since the holiday season is upon us...logs will be thrown into the fire and Christmas lights will soon be spectacle to see in neighborhoods. But certain precautions need to be taken to ensure safety for you and your family. The Illinois State Fire Marshal released these tips for Winter Weather Preparedness Week and I thought I would share them with you.

1. Have all heating equipment professionally checked and cleaned.
2. Make sure heating units carry the label of a recognized testing laboratory.
3. Always follow all manufacturers' instructions.
4. Place space heaters at least three feet from other combustible items.
5. Be sure wiring is sufficient for operating an electrical heater.
6. Use Extension cords sparingly.
7. Install and maintain smoke detectors.

Advice regarding Smoke detectors:
1. A smoke detector that does not have a battery...does not work and will not save your life.
2. A working smoke detector is your first line of defense in the event of a fire.
3. Be sure to clean and maintain your smoke detector.
4. Replace the battery at least once to twice a year and be sure to test your smoke detector regularly.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I cant wait for the snow. Bring it on.