Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Vacation???

With today being Monday and all, I decided to post a blog entry about Christmas vacations! Are you going on a vacation in the next few weeks? If so, where to? If you are staying in the Rock River Valley, where do you wish you could go?

I will be staying here. Other than a few days during the middle of this week, I've run out of vacation days. Although if I could go anywhere I'd like to be in the pool in this picture!


BSMisfit09 said...

I am going to Disney World during Christmas vacation to march with the Lena-Winslow Marching Band. I will be so glad to get away from all of the snow!

Unknown said...

I'm going where it's colder and more snow. The UP of Michigan, they're already above 80 inches of snow for the year!

Krista said...
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Krista said...

I am staying here in Rockford. I am just happy to be on Winter break. I'd like to head to Lake Geneva and pretend like it was summertime... perhaps a ride on the mail boat? haha

Eric Sorensen said...

Here's to warm thoughts of Lake Geneva in July! :)

Magpie said...

No vacation, but 4 consecutive days of Christmas starting on Saturday. Thankfully all withing 5 miles of home. I'm ready for this blizzard though! Bring on the snow! :)