Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rain or Snow?

In this weekend's storm...what will the stateline get as an early Christmas present? Rain or snow?
The National Weather Service out of Chicago says it still may be too early to exactly tell how much preciptiation we receive...but right now the low pressure system that will be working its way along the Southern Plains...will meet up Saturdayafternoon and evening with the cold air moving in from the west.
The first form of precipitation that is likely to fall across Northern Illinois will be rain. As we progress later into Saturday...the system looks like it will begin to slow down increasing chances of precipitation changing quickly from rain to snow.
At this time...the storm is still to far out to forecast snowfall amounts and what areas would receive the most snow.
Windy conditions are expected for Saturday evening which could cause blowing and drifting snow on the roads. Keep reading the blog for further details.


tony said...

I sure hope if it does rain, that the main burst of moisture waits until it changes to snow, then gets heavy so we can have a lot of snow for christmas.

Justin said...

It looks like you really, really want a white christmas.

Justin said...

And I just looked at the 12z for GFS and NAM, and they're starting to look a little more alike. But I guess this pertains to the last topic...