Friday, December 14, 2007

Update on Saturday's snow...Latest climate trends released.

I made my own version of this graphic for today's noon show..but I also wanted to show what Accuweather had to say about Saturday's weather.
Earlier in the week...the Plains got an unwelcome visitor from ice...and now another storm is headed their way.
As the storm makes it's way from the Rocky Mountains to New England...some states such as Kansas and Oklahoma could get 3 inches of snow.
The stateline is expected only to recieve one to two inches from tomorrow's storm.
The system should be gone from the area by the late afternoon as it moves on to wreak havoc on the Northeastern portion of the United States. At this is more than likely Northern Illinois will be under a winter weather watch for the majority of Saturday.
But don't panic because while New England will get pummeled with this storm system...the stateline will get a break from the clouds, snow, and sleet and will enjoy the sunshine smiling on us for the next five days.

Even though snow has blanketed the area over the past few weeks...CNN reports that 2007 is the 5th warmest year on record...worldwide.
2008 is expected to rank 8th among the hottest years for the U.S. by federal scientists who have been keeping track of temperatures since 1895.
NOAA says this coming year...the global temperature will average....58 degrees while the United States will expect a slightly cooler average temp with 54 degrees.
The only state to list below average temperatures this year was Texas.
Texas received too much rain cooling the state off while my home state of North Carolina experience a drought for much of the year.
The ten warmest years on record happened since 1997.
Is global warming to blame? I know this has been a heated topic discussed on this blog...but a few scientists say that is a major factor contributing to this year being warmer.

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