Friday, June 27, 2008

Busy weather afternoon?

Nothing like the morning shift to help shake off the forecasting dust after being away for several days! Too bad it's not mostly sunny skies to have to predict. No, we have the possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon/evening. With dewpoints well into the 60s, we have the certainly have the moisture in place. That, plus a couple disturbances rippling through the atmosphere, along with a cold front, will work together to bring us that chance of storminess.

As I'm writing this, a pocket of clearing has developed in far eastern Iowa and west-central Illinois. That will serve to destabilize the atmosphere. However, we'll have to see if that sunshine will be able to get enough energy going to recover from the clouds/showers/storms that were passing through earlier this morning.

Storms that do develop may very well be on the strong side, in addition to the threat of locally heavy rainfall. As always, Eric will be here this afternoon with updates should anything develop.


bryce3426 said...

i was wondering if a watch box would take place in the rockford area. do u think this might happen?

Eric Sorensen said...

The atmosphere will be very stable (with stratoform rain) through at least 7pm. After that, we'll see.

bryce3426 said...

so u think these storms could start up after 7?? if it does do you expect them to be on the strong side?

Justin said...

How long will it take this batch to move through?