Saturday, June 07, 2008

Severe weather returns

Update: 1:52 p.m. - New Tornado Watch to be issued for northwestern Illinois.

Update: 12:47 p.m. -
Green County ... Tornado Watch until 8.

Update: 11:48 a.m. -
Weather watch likely in the region by early afternoon. Probably a tornado watch. Click here to read the technical discussion.

We are once again under a risk of severe weather today. The entire viewing area is under a slight risk, with our northwestern counties under the moderate risk.

All types of severe weather are possible today. Stay with WREX for the latest.


Justin said...

If you had to make a guess, what are the chances of any particular area seeing rain today? I have outdoor plans at 5 and that's probably the prime time for the storms to start up

WI Weather Buff said...

Hey Justin G - a question, please?

With on-line (free) radar displays becoming more available to the public & more sophisticated, I was wondering if you could explain the significance of the VIL metric in severe storm radar imagery? I know it stands for "Vertically Integrated Liquid" (or some such thing). It seems kind of obvious that the amount of liquid in the cloud should probably be a higher number when the clouds are taller.

But could you just maybe try to explain in relatively lay person terms what the significance of it is in severe storms? Is that just the amount of H2O that can precipitate out of the cloud at that point in the storm? It seems to have more significance than that, but I'm not really getting much of a handle on it just by trying to apply my amateur Weather Buff thinking to this.


WI Weather Buff said...

P.S., for other amateurs interested in radar-watching:

My favorite (free, with lots of options for fancier radar views) was always the Weather Underground website radars. But I've noticed lately that the NWS websites are now also offering (free) radar images with a lot of the same fancier options for the display.