Thursday, June 05, 2008

Storm threat won't go away!

Be ready for more active weather! There's a slight risk of a few severe storms this evening...perhaps a better chance there won't be any storms at all. If no storms form this evening, we'll stay dry through tomorrow afternoon when a severe weather outbreak is possible. Damaging winds appear to be the most significant risk (with a secondary threat of large hail and tornadoes).

Click here for the Day 1 and Day 2 severe weather outlook.


tony said...

What timeframe would the severe weather happen if it does happen tomorrow. I work til 2.

Eric Sorensen said...

Forecast will be out shortly!

Justin said...

For this evening, what percentage of the viewing area do you think will see rain or storms?

Eric Sorensen said...

Less than 20% chance of storms least through early morning.

Eric Sorensen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tony said...

Do you think we will have a PDS tomorrow eric based on the models.

Chad South Beloit said...

Tony, if you look at tomorrow's outlook our area is in the moderate category for severe weather. There's currently a PDS out west, and the storms are tracking north east . There's alot that that can change from now till tomorrow, but if there is a PDS issued I would think it would be south of us. If one is issued tomorrow I would think it would be for areas south of I-88 .

Take this with a truck load of salt though, as I am not a meteroligist, it's just a hobby for me.

Scott said...

What's a PDS? I tried to google it but came up empty

Justin Gehrts said...

PDS means Particularly Dangerous Situation.

Several of the watches to our west are PDS watches.

There are no set criteria for PDS watches.

{[TWM]}-Phantom139 said...

Severe Weather always gets me going. It actually is a motivation for my Mod Project for a Strategy Game called Command And Conquer. I am looking forward to catching some interesting Storms tomorrow. Also, I hope you liked my picture of the green sky in Oregon earlier this morning.

tony said...

Eric,based on what you had on the weather segment, I work til 2pm tomorrow. Will things still be calm or is that when things might start firing up.

Staff said...

{[TWM]}-Phantom139, I understand your interest in weather! Good for you, it's the same for me! On the flip side I hope nothing ever comes to it where we have weather that will take lifes or will ruin property! We all work so much for everything and it can be gone in a second. I hope you at least maybe get the chance to see some lighting hitting the ground in a middle of the corn field!!