Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Severe weather information

Cells continue to move across northern Illinois.

New tornado watch is possible for eastern Iowa and a little bit of western Illinois. This isn't expected to include any of our viewing area.

Severe threat with the storms the first part of the overnight would be more for some hail and a slight chance of an isolated tornado through 1 a.m. However, the main threat looks to remain south of our area where the new tornado watch is expected to be located.

Late tonight, another batch of thunderstorms in Iowa will move across the area. They have the potential to bring some locally heavy downpours and some gusty winds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Side Tracked... but I just wanted to say I really like the new! I am finding navigating the site is very easy, and I like the mini-radar and current temp on the main page.

Way to go!