Thursday, July 17, 2008

Get ready for some torrential downpours

Flash Flood Watches have been hoisted for Southern Wisconsin through late-week with the anticipation of heavy rainfall. A front stalled to our north will bring converging airmasses and thunderstorms, each of which producing heavy rainfall. You can think of it as a "storm highway" as disturbances will travel from west to east along the front. If you live near a creek, stream, or river keep this thing in mind: small creeks rise in the shortest amount of time. Rivers rise days after the heaviest of the rain.


Justin said...

Will brat days be interrupted by storms tomorrow?

Adam Painter said...

After 1.5" of rain between 1am and 7am this morning it looks like we are going to be fine until after sunset tonight. That is when it looks like our next batch of widespread wet weather will be moving through.

I went to Brat Days yesterday and today. 2 brats and 2 hot dogs in 2 days and I feel terrific!