Sunday, July 27, 2008

We have a winner!

I officially proclaim Adam Painter the winner of the weather wager! No measurable precipitation fell at RFD by 7 p.m.

However, he was a lucky individual, as showers will be moving into the metro in short order.

Full wager coverage... coming up at 10!


WI Weather Buff said...

I'll probably be in bed by 10 and gone to work by the time Adam comes on in the morning ... but congrats to all ... win or lose, its great to see that the WREX weather team is not afraid to call 'em as they see 'em and stand by their call!

Anonymous said...

yay for adam! we had some sprinkles here at alpine/bypass 20 about a half hour ago but nothing measurable.

i enjoyed this little 'battle' in the weather dept. its was fun to watch you guys have fun with the whole thing.

Having fun at times and being serious during serious weather times is what I enjoy about the wrex weather authority. :)

Adam Painter said...

Thanks Jim, I enjoy the camaraderie as well. This is one station in town that actually has a weather "team".

tony said...

I enjoyed it also. I know I have been watching 13 news ever since sue mroz left 23 in 1996. I have seen eric nefstead, karl spring, chad franzen, and now the 3 best meterologists in the city on here now, eric sorensen, adam painter and justin gehrts. Keep up the good work. And its hard to believe we are approaching the one year when we had the 5-7 inches of rain overnight, august 7th. I still remember that night because of getting 40 mins of sleep that night.