Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bench CAM!

That's right... Bench CAM is back! We have a family sitting on the bus stop bench by Water Street Cafe in downtown Rockford awaiting their moments of fame on the 6 p.m. newscast. Actually, another person just showed up with a portable TV...

And here they are, waving to the masses, both at 6pm and 10!

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight! You helped brighten our day! We'll do it again soon. Maybe with a surprise visit from one of us here at 13 News.


tony said...

where street is that camera on. I might try to go there tonight if I am feeling ok.

Justin Gehrts said...

at the corner of East State Street and Water Street. Our camera is located on top of the Register Star Tower. -ES

tony said...

Ok thanks eric and justin. Is it ok to park in the Register star lot, then walk to the bench. I will try to make it tonight and bring my tv along.

Eric Sorensen said...

As far as I know, although I'm not paying for parking tickets! -JG

tony said...

Hehe. well if I do go, ill find somewhere to park. If not, i will find another time to go and let you two know so you can have the camera on the bench. I just noticed with you two posting, it says eric sorensen said, then has justin initials after the post and vice versa. I think that is interesting.

tony said...
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tony said...

Hey eric, that was fun. It was great that you acknowledged me being down there. Did you get my voicemail or did you just happen to recognize me. I hope to do that again sometime. It was fun.

Anonymous said...

There's parking available on Water St. so no need to be park in the lot at the RR Star. :)

Glad to see it back! I was telling my wife Lisa about how it woulda been fun to do it again for our anniversary this year (which was now almost two months ago.) we still may pay a visit in the future... :)

Thanks for the fun!!

tony said...

Yeah, I realized that after I got there, but I got down there maybe about 9:55 so I didn't have time to really look. I did park in the customer parking in the rrstar lot and there was just the employees parked there, so it was no problem.

Anonymous said...

I just love that Eric Rocks picture! it makes me laugh every time i see it! aha kudos to the folks that made that. :)