Monday, August 11, 2008

Meteor shower peaks tonight!

The Perseid meteor shower peaks tonight and it should be a dandy of a night for viewing. According to Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office "The time to look is during the dark hours before dawn on Tuesday, August 12th. There should be plenty of meteors--perhaps one or two every minute."

Just be advised, clouds will increase after midnight tonight with overcast conditions expected by morning.

Click here for more information.


tony said...

Can we actually start viewing the perseids sooner than dawn, or is that the best time to catch them.

WI Weather Buff said...

The Perseid Meteor shower!

What a perfect antedote for Olympic Overload.

tony said...

I actually have not watched one ounce of the olympics.

WI Weather Buff said...

Its hard to avoid the Olympics. I can't figure out when the News & Weather are going to come on, which is what I usually want to see.

tony said...

Actually I have a dvr box for comcast cable so I can use the program bar to see when the news is coming on. Looks like the news may not be on until 11:30 tonight. Is this correct eric.

WI Weather Buff said...

11:30? Bleh.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I have to get up at 4 a.m. Not gonna stay up until Midnight just to see the news & weather. (Sorry Eric ... see ya after the Olympics are done.)
