Today's high at RFD was 89°. I'll admit that I was sweating a little bit, and it wasn't because it was hot. It was because 1) I said last night I didn't think we'd make it to 90°, and 2) today was the last day of climatological summer. We reached 89° on three occasions this summer, but never managed to creep one degree higher than that. So, it's now in the record books: Rockford experienced its first 90°-less summer ever.
Tomorrow, I'm looking for a high of 89°, although to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if we nudge up to that elusive 90°. However, tomorrow is September 1, the first day of climatological fall. Close - but that only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

A cold front will provide us with some relief once we hit about Wednesday. It'll bring with it a big drop in temperatures for the second half of the week with highs in the 70s. Rain chances with it hinge a lot on what Gustav does... if part of its remnants stream northward, we may have a three-day shot of rain. However, if it stays wholly in the South, then we have a measly one-day shot at showers.
Speaking of Gustav, its passage over Cuba weakened it more substantially than expected. Even better, it hasn't been able to really get its act together since emerging over the Gulf of Mexico. It's a far cry from the Category 5 it had the potential to become, but it's still very strong and will have a major impact along much of the Gulf coast.
Actually justin, isnt today the end of meteorlogical summer and not climatological summer. I thought climatological summer didnt end until september 22nd.
Okay, I hope Eric doesn't remember that I promised him 3 accurate snow-depth measurements on the days of his choice this winter, if RFD didn't hit 90 this summer.
I'm still thawing out my toes from the cold dark night last winter when I went stumbling around in 20" of snow getting snow-depth measurements for Mr. Sorensen. Let's just say that my boots aren't nearly that tall. 'Nuff said.
Tony - climatological and meteorological summer are the one and the same. Astronomical summer is the one that doesn't end until the 22nd.
Oh shoot, thats right. I knew there was one that fell on september 22nd. Talk about a brain freeze. I have a feeling as far as astronomical summer is concerned, if we dont hit 90 today or tomorrow, I don't think we will hit it all this year.
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