Friday, August 01, 2008

We're still not buying it!

It seems like a week since the first headlines appeared about a MAJOR HEAT WAVE that would attack us for this weekend. Well, we're here and it still appears from our end that it won't get much worse than the 89° unofficial high temperature today. Whereas the models were once developing this huge death-ridge, it's almost non-existent on the models now. Instead is a weakly capped warm dome with signals of a few storms (each of which will temper the heat).

Saturday will be the best of the best! We're talking about lots of sunshine with comfortably cool morning temperatures in the 60s. Middle 80s for highs.

As a warm front lifts into the area on Sunday (ahead of the not-so-death-ridge) a few storms will be possible. Same thing for Monday as a front moves south. In fact, even if we stay dry on Monday with the storms staying northwest of us, upper-level winds will likely bring high clouds over us...again tempering the MAJOR HEAT WAVE.

Sure, there's a small chance if we stay sunny for either one of Monday and Tuesday a few lower 90s will be possible. With that being the outside chance, we'll still hold off on purchasing the MAJOR HEAT WAVE. :-)

Enjoy the weekend! Don't forget Festa Italiana...gotta get some sfingi. -ES


tony said...

hey justin, if we dont hit 90 on monday, is there a chance that with it being august and the days getting shorter everyday that we may go through a whole summer without hitting 90. I know how the models tend to overdo things. I hope we do get this rain. We do need it.

Justin Gehrts said...

Climatologically speaking, getting a 90° within the next three weeks is still normal. That said, once we get past Monday (or Tuesday, although that is far less likely), it would be at least a week before another shot at 90° would be probably be possible.

Northwest flow looks like it'll be taking back over midweek.