Monday, September 15, 2008

Two Great Floods

Justin Gehrts and I were reminiscing about the Labor Day Flood of 2006. While searching for pictures from that day we found this looping radar view. Wow!

Now here's the same radar picture from the 2007 flooding event August 7th. We found these images from The author has an interesting perspective on the storms.


Cassi said...

That was an interesting article by I always feel the same way when we hear about wildfires and mudslides in California. If you choose to build a million-dollar house on an 80 degree slope in a canyon, you shouldn't be surprised when your foundation slides downhill during a rainstorm. The same is true for living on a floodplain. Of course, various government agencies are actually to blame: some County Board decided to let a developer build and sell houses in these areas.

tony said...

I have looked quite a bit for a radar loop of the august 7 storm because of the fact I was awake for the whole thing and got about 40 minutes of sleep that night. I remember watching the weather channel and see how the storms were forming I knew we were in for a long night. The labor day flood didnt affect my area that much.