Thursday, November 16, 2006

Big Waves Along the Beaches of Chicago

Gusty winds this afternoon will not make it a very pleasant day to take a stroll along the beaches of Lake Michigan or even go on a boat ride. Northerly winds today have been howling in at gusts near 40 MPH and are causing lake levels to rise, but also causing waves to crash onto the beaches at heights over 10 feet! The lakes will more than likely be filled with numerous white caps making any type of boating trip almost unbearable. (Especially if you have a weak stomach!)

The distance that the wind travels over water (otherwise known as fetch) has an impact on the wave height. The longer the distance, the larger the waves will be and vice-versa. The good news is that the winds will slowly subside tonight and tomorrow and turn more from the west Friday afternoon, lessening the height of Lake Michigan's waves.

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