Thursday, November 16, 2006

Small Surge of Weekend Cold

Looking at the Rockford Climate Summary for today, I noticed that our average high temperature continues to creep downward. A typical mid-November afternoon should yield a 46° high temperature in these parts. It seems like we've been jipped over the past few days with some brisk, cloudy days.

The atmosphere will continue to cool down as we sail into the weekend. The powerful storm system (responsible for the tornadoes in NC) will continue to slide into eastern Ontario and western Quebec through Friday night. This will allow the cool air to continue filtering in. Just a little moisture will swing by on Saturday...could be enough to spark off a few flurries. Temperature highs will remain in the chilly 40-45° range until at Monday when the pattern begins to shift.

The upper-level ridge that is currently parked out in the desert southwest will begin an eastward track through next week. This will change our upper-level windflow out of the southwest...boosting temps! Even with very short days, we've got some very nice temperatures coming for Thanksgiving week. There will be some temps up near 60° not too far away Wednesday and Thursday. Stay tuned! -ERIC

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