Monday, November 06, 2006

Study Says Rain Helps Republicans

One thing is for certain: Mild, dry weather increases voter turn-out.

But, the St. Petersburg Times recently reported about a new study that shows that rainfall may help the Republican party. It shows that one inch of rainfall cuts the Democratic vote by 2.5 percentage points. It goes on to say that political operatives believe the decrease is due to demographics. Democratic voters tend to be poorer than Republicans and may not have cars to drive to the polls. Those voters, the theory goes, would be more likely to stay home in bad weather. Click here to read the full story.

What do you think? Do you think rainfall could determine the outcome of an election? Do you think the outcome of tomorrow's election would be different if we had a big snow event? Post a comment! -ERIC


Ryan said...

Let it rain! LOL

Anonymous said...

Judy Bar Topinka needs as much help as she can get.

Anonymous said...

Would we need a blizzard to give Whitney a chance?

Anonymous said...

No, I think a Category 5 hurricane is the only thing that could give Whitney a chance!

Anonymous said...

Good thing there wasn't any rain today!