Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Where's the snow?

Aside from a few flurries or light snow showers Wednesday night and Thursday, snow-lovers will have to keep waiting for the snowfall. We're more than half way through Autumn and not much has fallen here in the Rockford area! Aside from that freak snow back in October, we've been quite dry. In fact November has been almost snow-less! Only 0.1" of snow has fallen at the Chicago/Rockford Int'l Airport this month. The pattern will likely not support any snow-makers for at least a week (if not two)! With no snow expected before Thanksgiving, this could go down as month with no memorable snow events. However, climatology tells us that the end of the month is the most favored time and I have a hunch that something good may come down the pike in about two weeks time. After that we'll be in December, which averages more than ten inches of snowfall. -ERIC


Anonymous said...

Little to no snow in November... That's too bad. I remember last year if I recall we had quite a bit of snow in nov and dec.

Eric Sorensen said...

Last year we saw only 1.2" in November. In December, you are right! We got quite a bit...over a foot for the month! If you want more information, cut and paste this into your browser: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/lot/?n=rfdmonthly

You can get the totals for any month. -ERIC

Anonymous said...

where is all the snow!!!