Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Winter Weather Preparedness Week

This week is Winter Weather Preparedness Week in Illinois. Even though snowy weather isn't in the forecast now, it's time to think about what you'll need when the situation arises. Now's a great time (especially before the holiday rush) to get the necessary items for your vehicle. Make sure you have as many things as possible, especially if you travel frequently. We'll get into the necessary items for the home later this week! -ERIC

1. cell phone & charger
2. first aid kit
3. high-calorie, non-perishable food
4. boots, hats, and gloves
5. blanket
6. sand or bag of kitty litter
7. shovel
8. window scraper/brush
9. tool kit
10. rope (in case you need to be pulled out of a snowbank)
11. jumper cables
12. compass/road maps
13. small can with waterproof matches (to melt snow for drinking)

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