Tuesday, November 14, 2006

One Year Anniversary of the November 15th Tornado Outbreak

Wednesday, November 15th marks the one year anniversary of the deadly outbreak of tornadoes that moved through Missouri, Southern Illinois, and Indiana. Specifically two major tornadoes that moved through western Kentucky in Madisonville and Marshall County. Strong, rotating thunderstorms moved from west to east during the morning and afternoon hours on November 15th, 2005. Several weak tornadoes were reported throughout Missouri and southern Illinois, but two strong tornadoes made their way through Kentucky. The first was one that went through Marshall county creating a 44 mile long path and claiming the life of one person. (Click on the image to view the path of the tornado) In the early afternoon, the tornado touched down as an F1 about 3 miles south of Mayfield, KY and traveled over U.S. Highway 641. Once crossing over, it intensified to an F3 just south of Benton, KY.

The second tornado, and strongest, formed just a little before 3:30pm. This quickly strengthed to an F4 south of highway 41 and created a path of destruction about 15 miles long. Thankfully no one was killed, but several people were injured. These storms unfortunately came just a week and a half after the November 6th tornado that struck the Evansville area, leaving a painful reminder that while not in peak tornado season, outbreaks such as these can occur at any time. To read more about the tornado outbreak click here!

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