Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dennis Miller on Global Warming

I didn't get a chance to watch "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on Tuesday night, but it would have been worth it!

Evidently Dennis Miller delivered some quips on global warming with Leno. He had a hard copy of the April 28, 1975 edition of Newsweek. It's the edition often cited by doubters of dire global warming predictions because of its story, “The Cooling World.”

I wasn't aware of the article...but found it quickly via What an interesting thing to read! I can't believe that there ideas to melt the polar ice caps to prevent the cooling! While I don't subscribe to the belief that the world will end because of global warming, I do believe it poses a threat on how we will live our lives in the future. The bottom line is we know very little about how our atmosphere is morphing...all we know is that it has for millions of years. Let's not forget Northern Illinois was covered with a glacier 10,000 years ago. We know very little on why they melted! Surely, our addition of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere over the past 100 years will have an effect on global warming (or cooling). The extent is not yet known. Perhaps we'll figure it out in the next few decades, but will it be too late by then to turn the beat around?

What did you think of Miller's performance last night on Leno? Do you believe in global warming/cooling? Time to sound off! (can of worms opened)

I hope someone puts the Dennis Miller segment on YouTube soon. I'd like to see it! -ERIC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

frankly i don't understand why humans think they can have such an effect on the earth & it's natural course. it's been around for a gazillion years, and has fared just fine so far. everytime we get involved in trying to control stuff, we screw it up. look at the great lakes & the zebra mussel fix. killing off everything else in the lakes because we introduced something that didn't belong. the earth gets along fine....with...or without us...jmho