Monday, December 04, 2006

Snow: Staying Around a While!

It's going to be a while until we see the grass again! On average we've got about 11 inches of snow on the ground now (Monday). So, all eyes are now on the temperature trends! We won't see any widespread temperatures above 32° until this weekend...but don't look for the snow to melt even then!

While this weekend's high temperatures are expected to get slightly above freezing, that means the majority of the time will remain very little melting will be in the works!

Even if we were to have a week of 40° weather, it'd take at least that long to get rid of this thick blanket of snow!

I've received numerous E-Mails from people wondering if this snow will last until Christmas. The answer? Highly unlikely. In fact looking at the long-range computer models, it would appear that temperatures will remain at or above normal from this weekend straight through December 18th. -ERIC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let the snow melt. we need to absorb the solar radiation to help keep our heating costs down.