Monday, December 04, 2006

Toasty in Texas...Icy on the Rock!

One of my former colleagues, Morgan Palmer (Meteorologist for KLTV) sent this picture of a bank thermometer in Cisco, Texas! (we all know they aren't very accurate)

I don't know what is worse, our 5° low temperature tonight or their 155° high temperature today! :-)

Another sight to behold this evening is the ice on the Rock River! Take a look at this shot from the 13Skywatch Cameras this evening. I don't remember a time when there was ice on the river in early December. The Rock doesn't usually freeze over until late December or early January! But let's not forget the ice is never safe to walk on. -ERIC


Anonymous said...

I doubt it was ever 155 degrees in Cisco, Texas. Wouldn't that be higher than the max temp ever in the U.S. In fact a web search shows that Yuma, AZ. at 124 degrees was the hottest ever in U.S. Like the bank across the street from me, their sign was probably malfunctioning (or some jokester was holding a match to the sensor).

Eric Sorensen said...

While it gets plenty hot in Texas during the summer, the bank sign today was going berzerk! The temperature was in the 30s & 40s at the time. :-) -ERIC

Anonymous said...

Actually the hottest temperature ever in the U.S. was in Death Valley, CA. (134 degrees) On July 10th, 1913.

Anonymous said...

I was wearing a jacket when I took that picture! Nah, we were down to the upper teens in west Texas this morning, which is unusual. I have seen temps out here (where I'm vacationing at our family's lake house) that have exceeded 110F. I thought the sign was funny!

MP (Nice and toasty)