Sunday, January 07, 2007

Snowier Prospects?

Sunday Morning's GFS computer model is giving us a more exciting week to be sure! A few little systems may bring us some sprinkles of rain and a few flakes of snow during the work week. However, a more potent system may develop for the weekend. Take a look at the image to the left (click to enlarge). This is what we call a "thickness map." All you really need to know now: The lower the thickness, the colder the atmosphere...higher, warmer. The magic thickness number to watch is the 540 line. This denotes the approximate location of the rain/snow line...which stretches from Quincy to Crystal Lake, Illinois. If the GFS model comes into this exact line, there would be a pretty decent snowfall potential in the area outlined in red...including the Rockford metro.

However, we have to keep in mind most of the computer models have been trending too cold over the past few weeks. After all, the models are weighted a little toward the average temperature (which is in the 20s) and are likely biasing a little cold. -ERIC


Anonymous said...

thats what I LOVE TO SEE!

Anonymous said...

Finally. I like warm weather, but not this much. i want winter.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the colder weather will kill off some of these viruses. A nice snow would be good especially since the fact this is january. Of course el nino is the reason for our mild winter so far.

Eric Sorensen said...

I actually saw a mosquito flying around on Saturday when I was walking the dog. What an odd sight this time of year.

We do need some good cold air...I hope it kills the nasty cold virus that's going around. I've been battling a cold for eight days now! -ERIC