Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Illinois Road Conditions

Some highways and interstates in Northern and Central Illinois have become completely snow and ice covered in some spots due to blowing and drifting. Roads that are highlighted green are ones that are experiencing no travel problems (notice how they are in southern Illinois), roads in yellow mean traffic is running at a fairly slow pace with some patchy spots of snow, and the ones highlighted in red are more than 50% snow covered. Travel will be very difficult no matter where you head out. The winds are causing significant drifting on some of the roadways. Already 2-3 feet drifts are being reported in some spots.
The snow is expected to come to an end later tonight, but the winds will remain gusty through the overnight and into tomorrow, so expect more drifting and blowing. For information on the road conditions click here. -CANDY


Anonymous said...

Meeting 8:00 tomorrow morning in Madison, WI. Is this going to be 'go', 'no go' or 'slow go'?

Did it even snow up there?

Anonymous said...

Is the wind going to die down through out the night?