I have brought this issue up to city officials several times over the past few years. The cost of implementing such a system is always the reason why we don't have one. The last idea that was brought up to me was utilizing the city's reverse 9-1-1 system to notify people of impending danger. However that wouldn't help people like me who use a cell phone and don't have a land-based phone.
I really hope we can stir some dialogue about this issue. Rockford, Illinois is my hometown and we're long overdue for a major tornado event. I don't want video of our city shown on CNN when it gets hit by a tornado. Let's keep the good news about our city flowing out.
Should a tornado track right through our central business district hundreds (perhaps thousands) of lives may be lost. I know what you're thinking: You can give you weather information on TV, radio, and now on the internet. Why do we need tornado sirens? Everyone who is away from one of the traditional weather outlets has the right to be protected when we know a tornado is on its way.
Let's hope we can get some tornado sirens before the next twister touches down here. I'd like to hear your thoughts. Please post a comment. -ERIC
Eric, I agree with you 100%. Our city does need a tornado siren. I always thought we had one, unless it's the sirens I hear from the fire depts close to where I live here in loves park. As much as our streets need repairs,I think the city should use the money to implement a siren. That would help alot if a major tornado were heading for rockford.
I do think that Rockford needs a tornado siren. We come from a small town in Indiana and when the tornado came through Cherry Valley, I was surpised not to hear a siren. I was sacred because it was so close to our house and we couldn't get information fast enough on the tv news!! A siren would save a lot of lives in Rockford.
I can't believe Rockford doesn't have a tornado siren. I have only lived here a short time but know that in our old town we depended on that siren for our safety. Severe weather can turn real quickly to something life threatening.
Shame on you Rockford. Invest in a siren that could save hundreds of lives.
I've always thought we should get a siren... is there anybody we can contact about this? I've had to rely on a weather radio for my alerts. I also get alerts through my cell phone... but what if I'm out and my phone dies? and the thousands of other people that don't get weather alerts unless they see it on TV. I think safety comes before upgrading the new Metro Centre... But you don't want me to get into that.
In a community as large as Rockford (150,000+) it's a shame we don't have a tornado siren. I would be willing to go door to door with petitions too make this a reality.....as stated before me, why wait to be on CNN.....
~Mary A.
Forgot to ask! How does one get a petition started for something like this? I would be more than willing to. Any suggestions?
Theres several online petition sites. It would get spread a lot faster too. I'll start one or show you where you can start one if you're interested.
for a town of more than 150,000 people to not have a siren system is dangerous, reckless, and irresponsible. it's just like a disaster waiting to happen...not everyone has their tv or radio turned out 24/7, and not everyone, as Eric stated, has a land line. we also just use cells in our household.
I can believe that Rockford doesn't have a tornado siren and I am not the least bit surprised that there isn't. Why? Because Rockford is the kind of town that will wait until something disastrous happens such as many lives being lost before they implement funding for a siren. I agree 100% with the previous post that said "I think safety comes before upgrading the new Metro Centre.." Funny how Rockford can find funding for that but not for the safety of the residents.
I lived in Loves Park from the late '60s until '84. Back then Loves Park was a small town. If they could manage to afford a siren, why can't a city the size of Rockford?
If you'd like to start one and then head me in the right direction, I can start one too. I would appreciate the help, thank you!Maybe we CAN make a difference and make the powers that be take a good hard look at the need for this life saving siren.
~Mary A.
Here you go:
shoot and i had just gone to that website to start a petition too. Oh well, it hasn't been activated yet since they haven't sent me an email yet. But please rockford residents, sign the petition and boycott the new metro til we get a tornado siren.
Thanks Justin,
now how does one get a petiton to go door to door with? Do I just make one on the puter, print it out and thats that, or does it need to be an official document of some sort?
I am a legal secretary. Anything will work as a petition of this kind. All you need is a piece of paper containing a statement of what people are signing (as on justin's web petition) and people to sign it.
Recommended (but not required) additional items:
- the person's name printed in addition to signed (in case the signature is unreadable)
- the person's address (so local officials receiving the petition know that the individuals who signed it actually have some connection to the district)
- some way of eliminating duplicate signatures (if you are going to have lots of paper petitions circulating)
- repeat the statement of what people are signing at the top of each additional page (don't have people sign blank pages following the first one - there would be no way of knowing that they knew what they were signing)
- if you are going to distribute petitions on private property (such as shopping malls, etc.) make sure to get permission from the property owner first
- to make life easier for yourself and the recipient(s) of the petition: number the petition sheets (if more than one) with unique numbers and number the signature lines on each sheet. That makes it easier to count up the total number of signatures you have when you are done, and (if you have a LOT of sheets) makes it easier to tell that somebody didn't just run them through a photocopier to make it look as though there are more signatures than you really have.
I also have a petition from a while ago against the metro centre. Anyway that petition is JUST for online. But if you want to start one with real signatures I'll be more than happy to help you out with that.
Yes, we certainly do need a tornado-warning system. The city of Normal uses the old civil-defense sirens, if memory serves. A siren is a good start, but my concern is the large number of deaf and hard-of-hearing people in the region; many of them would not hear a siren in a closed house (i.e. A/C running in summer), especially at night when people are asleep and have no reason to be using various forms of media. Again, yes to the sirens, but let's also include some way of alerting our deaf and hard-of-hearing neighbors. Suppose the city of Rockford were to make available at minimal or no cost (buy in quantity) a weather radio with a visual alert system to each household with a deaf or hard-hearing member. I do wonder if this is something that RAMP might support as well; providing a way to visually alert those who need it is consistent with the independent-living principle.
Wow! And do think I wondered last week if anyone cared about this subject. :)
I was reminded today that Loves Park has sirens so if you're in far northern Rockford you might be okay if they flip their switch.
This week marks the one year anniversary of the Springfield, Illinois tornadoes. Since then the federal government gave the city money to upgrade their tornado sirens. -ERIC
Theres a perfect example for Springfield. They waited until it was too late.
And most of my family is from springfield, and the tornado was about a block from my grandma... you never really think about it much though.
By the way... anybody want to help spread the petition or should we not even bother?
you are right eric. I live right on the rockford-loves park borderline and the north park fire dept. on north alpine right by walmart does have a siren. but it is hard to hear, especially if there is thunder constantly rumbling to where u cant hear anything.
I'm from Wisconsin, and have lived in three different cities. Each city had a tornado siren, which we always depended on for our safety. When moving to Rockford, I was "shocked" that there were no sirens!! They are really needed!! Even Rockton has sirens!
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