Friday, August 17, 2007

Cool Weekend

This weekend looks pretty cool, but not in a hip or fashionable sort of way. High temperatures are expected to be below average for the first weekend in a long time.

Remember the term albedo? We talk about albedo in the winter when snow reflects the sun's light making it hard for the air near the surface to warm up. This weekend some thick cloud cover is expected to roll in. Clouds are typically just as white as snow. Therefore, the sun's rays get deflected into the direction they came. Without the majority of the sun's rays hitting the ground temperatures will be on the cool side all weekend long. -ADAM


Justin said...

what are the rain chances for saturday and sunday.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering if you have any idea about what time to expect the rain to be here on Saturday...Our garage sale is ending at 4, and I want to know if we will be having to close down early...Thanks!

Eric Sorensen said...

Saturday: Increasing chances for the afternoon. The morning should be dry (crossing fingers).

Heavy rain will be possible for Saturday night. -ERIC