Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Storms may affect recovery efforts after I-35 bridge collapses in Twin Cities

7:55pm - WCCO-TV Chief Meteorologist Paul Douglas says that lightning will be a force to be reckoned with from 8-9pm CDT.

Storms are bearing down on Minneapolis where the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi River has collapsed during rush hour traffic. The AP is reporting that injuries are substantial as nearly 1/2 mile of highway bridge has completely collapsed. Our affiliate KARE-11 has live coverage. Storms may grow severe within the next hour for the Twin Cities. -ERIC


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I was in that very spot this past weekend....very scary.

Eric Sorensen said...

Jim: I didn't see the local connection. Perhaps they rewrote the story. If you have/find the info, please E-Mail or

Thank you! -ERIC

Let's all say some extra prayers for those who died or may still be trapped on the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so they changed the story after I posted it, but i was able to find the article via google.

I did find the short interview with the Rockford man (if the story doesn't change here) that just missed the bridge collapse, and an email was sent to your news department.

Eric Sorensen said...

Thank you Jim! As the story evolves, it all changes. Thanks again...and I'm glad he went across when he did. -ERIC

Anonymous said...

I used to live in Minneapolis and know that bridge well. Its the major artery right through town. I remember standing on that bridge one year with my kids and watching a "sky concert" which was the 4th of July fireworks display, coordinated with local radio stations that were broadcastinf the music. How creepy.

Eric Sorensen said...

I watched a lot of the footage on the TODAY show this morning and recognized all of the landmarks surrounding that bridge. Those are certainly some very scary images and pictures. I grew up in a suburb about 20 miles from that bridge. I've been busy this morning trying to get in touch with family and friends. So far, so good.

Adam Painter