Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Official Winter Outlook: JANUARY 2008

13WREX is forecasting temperatures to be right around average for the month of January 2008. While that doesn't sound like anything important, consider the fact that the past four Januaries have been extremely warm.

Typically January is much snowier than December. However that may not be the case this season. While a few 6"+ snow events will be possible, the month will likely see at or below average precipitation.


Anonymous said...

So far so good. Still hoping I don't have to start skimping on groceries in order to pay the heat bill!

Anonymous said...

Eric, just heard you mention 93.9 the Lite on the news, Christmas all the time. I always listen to that station whenever I am back in the Plainfield, Wheaton, Chicago area. It is a really great radio station. However, I am always so glad to come back to Dixon and the local radio stations here and especially WREX News and Weather. Have a great night!

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to see some decent snows in january, but of course after christmas, I usually don't get so anxious for alot of snow. But if it comes, it does. I just have a feeling we are going to one major powerhouse snow, with a foot or more of snow this year. I don't know why, but I just have a feeling. I know I think it was in 1993, they were calling for a a foot or more of snow and all we got was some rain and then a band of snow late at night. I guess it said the storm had stalled and shifted.

Eric Sorensen said...

Tony: Winter storms are indeed tricky! It's fun to look back through the archives on the blog and see the posts when winter storms were coming. I remember the storm in late February where we had a 6-12" forecast but ended up seeing some rain and freezing rain with an end result of 4". It was nasty to drive on. I remember seeing three abandoned cars in the middle of Bell School and Riverside that night.

We will wait and see for sure!!! -ERIC