Monday, November 12, 2007

Thunder in November?

Last week we were talking about the rainfall that was expected during the late Saturday night/early Sunday morning timeframe. It indeed came to fruition and some of the storms actually became fairly strong. I was hanging out with Eric Saturday night and we noticed some flashing lights in the distance. Sure enough it was lightning, which brought a smile to our faces. The rainfall was brief and the Rockford Airport recorded a paltry 0.05" of rain.

Checking the answering machine this morning we got a call from Anthony in Franklin Grove who reported pea size hail around 11:30pm Saturday. The picture to the left is from Jim who lives near I-39 and Highway 20. He said he found this pea size hail on his deck around 12:15am Sunday. Thank you to those two gentlemen for the information and picture. It is pretty rare to run into thunderstorms this late in the fall. -ADAM


Justin said...

Off topic, but when should we expect the first cold snap?

Eric Sorensen said...

Later this week we'll get back to normal...looks like a pretty decent cold snap about a week from now...which would lead right up to Thxgiving. -ERIC