Friday, November 09, 2007

Official Winter Forecast: MARCH 2008

Here's the final installment of the 13WREX Winter Outlook as we look closely at the month of March 2008. It appears that La Nina will still be going strong and that would yield warmer than normal temperatures. While there will certainly be some cold fronts that originate north of the Arctic Circle and head this way, the majority of the month is expected to be mild.

As far as precipitation goes, that's the tougher part to forecast. Going back through the record books every March since 1999 has been extremely dry. We are forecasting that dry regime to continue through the month with precipitation that will be just shy of average which is 2.39 inches (5.36 inches of snow).


Anonymous said...

Thanks - fascinating. I guess time will tell how close these predictions come.

Anonymous said...

I know this doesn't belong here and has absolutely nothing to do with the winter forecast, but at midnight saturday night I am hearing thunder! When's the last time thats happened? aha very strange. I had to look it up to make sure that is what it was, and yep, a thunderstorm cell is nearby.

WI Weather Buff said...

Thanks for the winter forecast. Looks like not a bad winter.

I hope you're right.

Eric Sorensen said...

Yeah Jim! I saw the flashes and heard the thunder too. What a strange sight! November is one of the quietest months when it comes to thunderstorms. -ERIC