Friday, November 30, 2007

Winter Storm Checklist

Should the power grid become compromised because of ice/sleet/snow, be prepared!

1 comment:

WI Weather Buff said...

If anyone has any suggestions on judicious but optimal use of ice melt on sidewalks and driveways, please post.

I'd like to (a) minimize use of these products, while (b) keeping the sidewalks as safe as possible for my elderly neighbors.

Is it better to (a) pre-treat, before it even starts snowing (that's what my city does; they're out right now pre-treating the city streets), (b) wait until after the snow has fallen and then spread ice-melt on top of the snow after it starts raining, or (c) other? I'd sure like to avoid (d) go out and shovel in the rain before it starts icing over the top of the snow and then spread ice-melt, but (alas) I'm afraid that might actually be the most effective.

If anybody has good tips, please post!