Tuesday, December 04, 2007


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To submit your snowfall amounts, click here
. Please include your name, precise location, time of report, and current depth/condition. We will then relay this to the National Weather Service. Thank you!

9:30pm - Elkhorn [Walworth Co, WI] law enforcement reports SNOW of E3.0 INCH at 09:00 PM CST --

9:30pm - For some reason, the Milwaukee office of the NWS isn't putting out too many snowfall totals thus far. There are quite a few out of their metro, but very few from the Madison, Janesville, Beloit, and Monroe areas. I will post any info that I get from that area.

9:18pm -
Galena [Jo Daviess Co, IL] co-op observer reports SNOW of M2.5 INCH at 09:15 PM CST -- snow accumulation of 2.5 inches.

9:00pm -
5 Sse Council Hill [Jo Daviess Co, IL] trained spotter reports SNOW of M2.6 INCH at 08:50 PM CST -- snow accumulation of 2.6 inches 6e galena.

9:00pm - Freeport [Stephenson Co, IL] trained spotter reports SNOW of M3.0 INCH at 08:50 PM CST -- snow accumulation of 3.0 inches.

9:00pm - 2 N Sterling [Whiteside Co, IL] trained spotter reports SNOW of M1.9 INCH at 08:50 PM CST -- snow accumulation of 1.9 inches.

8:50pm - 3 N Belvidere [Boone Co, IL] trained spotter reports SNOW of M3.0 INCH at 08:50 PM CST -- relayed by wrex

8:40pm -
Rockford [Winnebago Co, IL] co-op observer reports SNOW of M2.4 INCH at 08:00 PM CST --

8:30pm - Spring Creek & Alpine Rds. in Rockford M2.0 inches

8:02pm -
Franklin Grove in Lee Co, IL of M1.50 inces at 8pm

8:00pm -
2 inches in Galena - (western Jo Daviess Co.)

7:48pm - 2
.5 inches in Stockton (Eastern Jo Daviess Co.)

7:47pm - 2 N Winnebago [Winnebago Co, IL] broadcast media reports SNOW of M1.5 INCH at 07:46 PM CST -- at wrex-tv studios

7:22pm - We're still expecting the 2-5 inch snowfall. However some areas, especially right around the stateline are approaching 2 inches. This is giving us an indication of where the thickest snowfall will set up.

6:45pm - Freeport, IL M1.1 inch of snowfall

3:05pm - I'm not going to make any changes to the going forecast. It still appears that around 3-4 inches of snow will fall over the Rockford metro tonight. A few areas like Roscoe-Rockton, Beloit, Monroe, Orfordville, Brodhead, and Janesville will see around 5 inches. Enhancement of snow off of Lake Michigan may also yield similar results around McHenry, Woodstock, Crystal Lake, up to Lake Geneva. The lightest amounts 1-2" will be south and west from Carroll County through Whiteside County, and down to Lee County. -ERIC

12:00pm - Light to moderate snow still falling in northern Iowa, western Wisconsin, and Minnesota. It is moving pretty slowly, but should still reach us by the middle of the afternoon and continue fairly steadily tonight. -ADAM

10:00am - I just finished looking at the latest (12Z) GFS and NAM model runs and very little has changed with this clipper-like system. The snow is fairly widespread back in Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. The accumulating snow will be starting early this afternoon across the region. The snow showers will be most intense between 4pm and midnight. -ADAM

7:00am - Radar sweeps starting to get some returns from snow showers entering into our area. All observations sites reporting dry skies. The snowflakes are slowly saturating the atmosphere and will continue this process for a couple more hours before we start seeing the snow reach the ground. -ADAM

5:00am - As Eric alluded to last night, SNOW ADVISORIES are issued encompassing the entire Stateline viewing area until 6am Wednesday. This means that you will run into travel diffifculties today, and be careful on snow covered roadways with limited visibilities. -ADAM

4:00am - After looking at all of the data, current conditions, and listening to my gut, I (Adam) drop the snowfall totals slightly across the region for this snow storm. A large swath of 2 to 4 inches is likely across Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. With liquid precipitation estimates from this storm system around 0.4", most locations won't see more than 4 inches. -ADAM


Emily said...
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tony said...

It would be nice to see some snow cover. I hope we keep getting enough in the next 3 weeks to guarantee a white xmas. Just hope we don't get 40s and 50s this month. I have noticed that the NWS didn't issue a morning forecast discussion. It still has the discussion for yesterday.

turf said...

Quite a variation of snow amounts from each of the Rockford stations.

Eric Sorensen said...

turf: I think it's a safe bet that between 2-4 inches will fall (with an isolated 5 NW or RFD). Adam and I stand by our forecasts. I did see another TV station's forecast of six inches last night (on their replayed news). I think it would take something totally out of the blue to get snow like that.


tony said...

I listened to the weather radio last night on our talkie we have at work, and when I heard 4-6 inches, I was surprised. I told people, the 4 inches sounds reasonable, but 6 inches, nah, not with a clipper system. I do remember one clipper back in 90 or 91 that did give us like 8 inches or something like that. Bring on the snow. Eric, I know you probably couldn't answer this, but what are the odds that we might keep seeing enough snow to have a white xmas, even though it's 3 weeks away. Hopefully no drastic warmups.

tony said...

And actually, I have looked at the models after this one and after thursdays possible snow, looks like we have some good systems coming in, but it looks like the rain/snow line is going to be just north of us. I hope that doesn't mean just plain old rain.

Footville, WI said...

Flurries started here at about 1:15pm and now it has increased to lightly snowing. The last system caused some of our pine branches to fall (which is ok we have dozens of the trees anyway)made for a nice bonfire. Hoping we do get 6" or more!

joe said...

light snow is starting here in rockton around 2:00...

tony said...

So far, I have not seen a flake yet in loves park, but I have a feeling in the next hour that will change.

Anonymous said...

Light snow has now begun to fall here near I39/bypass 20.

One thing I am glad I took care of on Sunday was shoveling the ice off the driveway while it was still warm. Most of my neighbors didn't bother.

Today three neighbors were out chipping at the ice and its much harder to remove now! Also, with the snow on top it will be hard to shovel also.

tony said...

As of 3:42 the snow is starting to come down a little bit more here in loves park, but just flurries. When will the main stuff come. I have a feeling the rush hour will be a mess.

Justin said...

WIFR said 6 inches this morning for Rockford, but it looked like they were just using one model. He didnt seem too sure about it.

tony said...

I only trust 13 news. The heck with 23 and 17. Only eric and adam give us the most up to date and complete information. 13 rocks.

Justin said...

Where can I find a list of cancellations? WTVO used to have them last year, but they changed their website. None of the local stations or RRstar has updated cancellations.

tony said...

I very highly doubt if there will be cancellations. It is not snowing hard enough to cancel anything. But who knows.

Anonymous said...

WREX Closings usually is a great place to look. Nothing on it now.

tony said...

We just have light snow showers right now in loves park. I wonder if the air is still a little too dry. I have a feeling by 5 or 530 it will be heavier.

Justin said...

There were a few after school sports activities cancelled, so I just wanted to make sure. Thanks for the link jim

tony said...

The snow is slowly starting to pick up now here. It is just snow showers, but I read on the weather statement that the heaviest should be between 8pm-2am. And it sounds like from erics yourcast, another storm possible like this on thursday, then possibly a major snow next tuesday although i have seen temps will be near 40. We will see.

joe said...

snowing pretty good here in rockton...i have about a half inch on my driveway..its about 4:35

joe said...

eric qiuck question..with this new snowfall on the ground, won't temps be cooler all week, allowing for a higher snow chance for the weekend storm??

Eric Sorensen said...

Joe: Yes, you are right. My 7 Day reflects the change versus the guidance given by the computer models. This weekend could go either way right now. Some signs point to a similar event to last Saturday. -ERIC

WI Weather Buff said...

Just got home after a hair-raising commute down HY 51 in WI to the WI/IL line.

Its snowing and slick. But why is it hair-raising? Not because of the snow, particularly.

Let me see how I can explain this:

Don't tailgate.

Or to put it another way, don't tailgate.

Or maybe let me try a slightly different spin: Don't tailgate.

Get it?

I don't really care if you have a SUV or a 4WD or new tires or a BatMobile or the biggest toughest pickup truck on the road, or anything else for that matter. The road is still slippery underneath whatever you're driving and you can't stop on a dime, no matter what the salesman told you when you bought it.

I happen to like the back 1/2 of my vehicle and would very much prefer not to find it in your front seat. So don't tailgate.

WI Weather Buff a.k.a. The Grouch

joe said...

i measured 2.5inches on my driveway in rockton and its 745pm

joe said...

eric, does the snow next tuesday look impressive, or is it just another little clipper??

brycemh said...

We have about 1.5 inches of snow in Belvidere. How much more do you think we could possibly get? And do you think we will have school tomorrow?

Footville, WI said...

We currently have just a hair under 3 inches of fresh accumulation and its commin down strong and steady, so maybe we will get to see the 5 or 6 in. mark!

brycemh said...

it looks like the clipper is breaking up a little bit.

brycemh said...

Now in Belvidere we Have about 2.1 inches. Just a half an hour ago there was 1.5!

Eric Sorensen said...

Thanks for all of your reports. I will try to mention as many as I can on the 10pm news. Keep them coming!

Joe: Next Tuesday's storm may be a SW to NE mover...may have a little more moisture. Good news for snowlovers!!!

tony said...

I have 2.5 inches as of 9:05 p.m. in loves park.

joe said...

rockton has about 4 inches on the ground at 945

Justin said...

Roads are HORRIBLE. Did the city of Rockford have the night off? I live on a side street and it was plowed and salted before 11th street, 6th street, 9th street, charles, riverside, main, and the whitman street bridge. And those are just the roads I was on...

Footville, WI said...

As of this morning we have a total of 4.75 inches of accumulation from last nights clipper. The winds are blowing pretty good and we have some fairly big drifts too.

Anonymous said...

4.7 inches in rockford.