Friday, December 07, 2007

Happy Shoveling

Here are some updated and additional storm totals from last night's storm. The good news is that with the snow ending by midnight and relatively light winds since, the snowplows have done a great job so far. Main roadways are in damp, but decent shape. Side streets might still have a little snow packed onto them. -ADAM


Anonymous said...

seems like some big snow storms are brewing/weekend/tuesday.

tony said...

There may big storms brewing, but sounds like we are going to be getting the light end of them. 1-3inches this weekend and then another 1-3 on tuesday. Not a mega storm by any means.

Anonymous said...

maybe true but december the 17th. shows a big storm brewing.

tony said...

Where does everyone go to get the models for 10 days out. The models I see on here only go out 8 days.thanks