Monday, December 10, 2007

Ice Storm Warning for Tonight/Tuesday

3:30pm - Precipitation should begin in the Rockford area around midnight. Temperature profiles indicate that this should mainly be a liquid-rain event. However, temperatures will likely be below freezing at the onset of this. Thus, an icing situation appears imminent with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice expected.

Temperatures will be around 27° at midnight, but rise by morning. In fact, I expect temperatures to be around 32° for the morning hours, and possibly rise above freezing by noon Tuesday. This would be a blessing as liquid rain falls and remains liquid upon impact. The heaviest precipitation will fall between 6am and 4pm...mainly in the form of freezing rain with some sleet mixing in from time to time. As temperatures rise above freezing tomorrow, the freezing rain threat will subside for a few hours. I don't believe this icing event will be as substantial as the ice storm nine days ago. Now, having said that, I don't believe we can write this one off. You should still be prepared for power losses and extremely hazardous driving conditions, especially for the Tuesday morning commute. Meteorologist Adam Painter will have all of the road conditions first thing in the morning.

2:30pm - The National Weather Service has upgraded the Winter Storm Watch to an Ice Storm Warning. A Winter Storm Warning remains in effect for far Northwestern Illinois.

Fog and drizzle will continue through 11pm when a steady rain is expected. This rain will fall on sub-freezing surfaces creating an icy glaze up to 1/2 inch thick. More to come with the afternoon forecast package. Stay tuned! -ERIC


Justin said...

I know we still have this storm to worry about... but I noticed monday on the 7-day... is that anything to be watched?

Eric Sorensen said...

I am more now-casting tomorrow's event. Honestly, I only spent about a half hour on days 2-7. -ERIC

WI Weather Buff said...

Very dense fog in Walworth and Rock Counties in WI, especially in rural areas. Give yourself extra time if driving in rural areas.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me if you think the ice storm be worse in davis junction or in rockford near harrison rd. I am near the intersection of 251 and 72. It was 1:41 am. when it just started to rain/sleet in davis junction. which way Is that winter storm warning moving, do you think it could come my way. thanks Janet

Adam Painter said...

The entire viewing area is going to be blanketed by ice today.

Anonymous said...

As the main roads are fine for driving, make sure you slow down and be careful in neighborhoods with low traffic. The roads are now beginning to freeze over.

I went to slow down to pull in my driveway and I slid right past it about 20 feet! The roads don't even look icy.

*side note* Eric I was wondering, is WREX's antenna running on low power right now? I can barely receive a digital signal since your station outage a week ago. It is weak and I am not able to record anything because it is too choppy. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks!!

Eric Sorensen said...

Jim: Our analog transmitter was affected by the last ice storm however there are no problems with our digital transmission.

This ice storm hasn't been nearly as bad as the last one (at least for WREX). Ice falling off of the tower did dent an employee's car in the parking lot today though. The trials of having a 500 foot stick on top of the building!