Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Looking ahead....

Courtesy of AccuWeather...let's take a look at what the stateline has in store in terms of snow and rain this weekend.
Late afternooon snow on Thursday and a morning snowfall on Friday sets us up for a weekend that may include rain as well in the forecast...bringing the dreaded rain and snow mix that the stateline does not welcome.
As you can see from the picture...most of the ice and snow will be to our west on Saturday...but the low pressure system plus the snow moves into Northern Illinois by Sunday....with cold temperatures. Most of that system should move to the northeast into the Great Lakes and Michigan by Monday...but there is a chance that your workweek could start off with the remaining snow and rain. So keep an eye out for those conditions.
Make sure that you keep your home and pets warm during these winter months...and don't forget to check on neighbors to make sure their heat systems are working properly as well.


Justin said...

I missed the news. How much accumulation is expected for the first system?

Candice said...

I lived in Missouri all my life, and this is my third year living in Illinois. It seems like it never rains that much in the summer and fall, but as soon as it's cold enough for snow, it snows like every other day. Is that just the way the winter is here?

(p.s.- I'm ready for spring already!)

Anonymous said...

whew! the Wrex weather page says its -2 degrees out! Is that true? Who knew it would get below zero today.