Monday, December 03, 2007

Ready for a wintry week?

It looks like we're in for a wintry week!

#1. Snow appears likely for Tuesday afternoon and evening. 2-4 inch accumulations can be expected with a few localized amounts to 5 inches possible. It looks like it's in the criteria for a "Snow Advisory." Nothing issued as of 3:30pm.

#2. More snow will fall for Thursday afternoon. This system appears to be just as potent as #1. Again, 2-4 inches seems reasonable right now (but will be fine-tuned).

#3. A system coming across the Rockies will have some moisture from the Gulf of Mexico available by the weekend. Temperatures may be a little too warm for this one to be all-snow. While not as robust as this past weekend's storm, it may be similar bringing in a nasty mix of precipitation types. Because we have two storms ahead of it, will leave the discussion where it is for right now. Stay tuned!

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